A selection of my publications of most relevance to the services that I am now offering are listed below. A full list of publications can be provided upon request.
Nature conservation in Europe: approaches and lessons. Tucker, G. ed. (2023) Cambridge University Press.
Biodiversity Offset – European Perspectives on No Net Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Wende, W., Tucker, G., Quétier, F., Rayment, M. and Darbi, M., eds (2018) Springer.
The Handbook of Biodiversity Methods: Survey, Evaluation and Monitoring. Hill, D.A., Fasham, M., Tucker, G., Shewry, M. and Shaw, P. (Eds.) (2005) Cambridge University Press.
Habitats for birds in Europe: a conservation strategy for the wider environment. Tucker, G.M. and Evans, M. (1997) BirdLife International, Cambridge, U.K.
A European ecological network and the conservation of birds. Tucker, G.M. (1994) In G. Bennet, ed. Conserving Europe’s natural heritage: towards a European ecological network, pp. 125-138. Graham & Trotman Ltd, London.
Birds in Europe: their conservation status. Tucker, G.M. and Heath, M.F. (1994) BirdLife International, Cambridge, U.K.
Book chapters
Strengthening indicators and accounting systems for natural capital. ten Brink, P., Gantioler, S., Gundimeda, H., Sukhdev, P., Tucker, G. and Weber, J-L. (2011) in P. ten Brink (ed) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in National and International Policy Making, pp 79-128. Earthscan, London and Washington.
Biodiversity. Tucker, G. (2011) In IEEP Manual of European Environmental Policy. Earthscan / IEEP, London, UK.
Guidelines for Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring for Protected Areas. Tucker, G. et al. (2005) King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation / UNEP-WCMC, Kathmandu.
The precautionary principle in impact assessment. Tucker, G. and Treweek, J. (2005) In R. Cooney and J. Hutton, eds. Biodiversity and the precautionary principle, pp 73-93.
Biodiversity. Tucker, G., Mitchell, K., Diego, L. and Päivinen, R. (1998) In Europe’s Environment: The Second Assessment. European Environment Agency Report to the European Council of Ministers. EEA, Copenhagen.
Measuring the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity. Tucker, G.M. (1998) In F. Brouwer and B. Crabtree eds. Environmental indicators and agricultural policy, pp 89-103. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK
Priorities for bird conservation in Europe: the importance of the farmed landscape. Tucker, G.M. (1997) In D.J. Pain and M.W. Pienkowski, eds. Farming and birds in Europe: the Common Agricultural Policy and its implications for bird conservation, pp. 79-116. London: Academic Press.
A European ecological network and the conservation of birds. Tucker, G.M. (1994) In G. Bennet, ed. Conserving Europe’s natural heritage: towards a European ecological network, pp. 125-138. Graham & Trotman Ltd, London.
Reports, papers and other publications by subject
Policy analysis and development
Nature / biodiversity strategies, policies and legislation
The Environmental Improvement Plan – is it fit for purpose?
Tucker, G.M. (2023) British Wildlife, 34, 325-332.
Divergence of environmental policy post Brexit: a comparison
of biodiversity targets emerging in the EU and UK. Tucker, G.M. (2022) IEEP UK.
Evaluation Framework for a Strategy for Nature for England. ICF, Baumann, M., UKCEH, CECAN Ltd, Rayment, M. &
Tucker, G. (2021) Co-author as Nature Conservation Consulting, for ICF study,
for Defra, UK.
Study on identifying the drivers of successful implementation
of the Birds and Habitats Directives. Tucker, G. et
al. (2019) IEEP report to the European Commission.
The 25-Year Environment Plan – what promises for nature? Tucker,
G.M. & Baldock, D. (2018) British Wildlife, 29: 245-250.
Evaluation study to support the fitness check of the Birds
and Habitats Directives. Milieu, IEEP
& ICF (2016) Milieu Ltd, IEEP and the ICF International report for the
European Commission.
Supporting the Elaboration of the Impact Assessment for a
Future EU Initiative on No Net Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Tucker, G.M. et al.
(2016) IEEP report to the European Commission.
Review of Favourable Conservation Status and Birds Directive
Article 2 interpretation within the European Union. McConville, A.J. & Tucker, G.M. (2015) IEEP report for
Natural England, UK (Commissioned Report 176).
Evaluation of the Biodiversity Offsetting Pilot Programme. Baker, et al. (2014) Collingwood Environmental
Planning & IEEP Report to DEFRA.
Policy Options for an EU No Net Loss Initiative. Tucker, G.M. et al. (2014) IEEP report to the
European Commission.
Final Report for the Assessment of the 6th Environment Action
Programme. von Homeyer, I. et al. (2011) Ecologic
Institute, IEEP, and Central European University, Budapest, report to the
European Commission.
The Defra White Paper on the Natural Environment: laudable
ambitions, but timid actions. Tucker, G.M. & Baldock, D. (2011) British
Wildlife, 22: 413-417.
EU Biodiversity Policy Post-2010. Exploring the Possibilities
for Safeguarding Broader Ecosystems – A Scoping Paper. Kettunen, et al. (2010) WWF & IEEP Report.
The identification of priority policy options for UK nature
conservation. Sutherland, et al. (2010) Journal of Applied Ecology,
47: 955-965.
Land-use policies, especially agriculture and bioenergy, and effects on ecosystems and biodiversity
Evaluation of the impact of the CAP on habitats, landscapes, biodiversity. Alliance Environnement (2019) Alliance Environnement report to European Commission.
Evaluation study of the payment for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment. Alliance Environnement & Thünen-Institut (2017) Alliance Environnement report to European Commission.
Potential impacts of bioenergy developments on habitats and species protected under the Birds and Habitats Directives. Bowyer, C., Tucker, G., Underwood, E. et al. (2020) IEEP, Arcadis, BirdLife International, NIRAS, Stella Consulting and Ecosystems Ltd report to the European Commission.
Defining EU environmental objectives and monitoring systems for a results-oriented CAP post 2020. Hart, K., Baldock, D. and Tucker, G. (2018) IEEP report for WWF Deutschland.
Ecological Focus Area choices and their potential impacts on biodiversity. Underwood, E. and Tucker, G. (2016) IEEP report for BirdLife Europe and the European Environmental Bureau.
Space for energy crops – assessing the potential contribution to Europe’s energy future. Allen B., Kretschmer B., Baldock, D., Menadue H., Nanni, S. and Tucker, G. (2014) IEEP report produced for BirdLife Europe, European Environmental Bureau and Transport & Environment.
High Nature Value farming throughout EU-27 and its financial support under the CAP. Keenleyside, C., Beaufoy, G., Tucker, G. & Jones, G. (2014) IEEP report for the European Commission.
Options for sustainable food and agriculture in the EU. Synthesis report of the STOA Project ‘Technology Options for Feeding 10 Billion People’. Underwood, E. et al. (2013) IEEP report for the European Parliament.
Securing Biomass for Energy – developing an environmentally responsible industry for the UK now and into the future. Kretschmer, B., Watkins, E., Baldock. D., Allen, B., Keenleyside, C. and Tucker, G. (2011) IEEP report for the RSPB.
Addressing biodiversity and habitat preservation through measures applied under the Common Agricultural Policy. Poláková, J., Tucker, G., Hart, K., Dwyer, J. and Rayment, M. (2011) IEEP report for European Commission.
Reflecting environmental land use needs into EU policy: preserving and enhancing the environmental benefits of “land services”: soil sealing, biodiversity corridors, intensification / marginalisation of land use and permanent grassland. IEEP & Alterra (2010) IEEP report to the European Commission.
Farmland Abandonment in the EU: an assessment of trends and prospects. Keenleyside, C. & Tucker, G.M. (2010) IEEP report for WWF.
Recent and possible EU agricultural policy developments and their potential implications for farmland birds. Tucker, G., Hart, K., Baldock, D., Farmer, M. and Hegarty, J. (2010) BOUPROC Supp.
A study of the economic, environmental and social impacts of a loss of grazing livestock in the East of England. Review of the ecological impacts of undergrazing. Tucker, G.M. (2007) Report by Ecological Solutions for PACEC on behalf of the Natural England Confederation.
Ecological and practical implementation advice
Management effectiveness in the EU’s Natura 2000 network of protected areas. Gerritsen, et al. (2020) IEEP, UNEP-WCMC and Trinomics report for the EEA.
Guidance on achieving no net loss or net gain of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Tucker, G.M., Quétier, F. & Wende, W. (2020) IEEP report to the European Commission.
Time to look for evidence: Results-based approach to biodiversity conservation on farmland in Europe. Herzon. I. et al. (2018) Land Use Policy, 71:347-54.
Effects of Natura 2000 site designation and management plans on farmland bird abundance trends. Gamero, A., Skorpilova, J., Vorisek, P., Siriwardena, G. and Tucker, G. (2017) In G Siriwardena & G Tucker (eds) Service contract to support follow-up actions to the mid-term review of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 in relation to target 3A – Agriculture, pp 102-111. IEEP report to the European Commission.
Integration approach to financing of biodiversity: evaluation of results and analysis of options for the future. Kettunen, M. et al. (2017) IEEP report for the European Commission.
The impacts of the UK’s low carbon energy policy on biodiversity: evidence and policy tools. Tucker, G., McConville, A.J. and Kretschmer, B. (2016) Report by BIO Deloitte and IEEP, for Defra, UK.
Delivering Synergies between Renewable Energy and Nature Conservation. Messages for policy making up to 2030 and beyond. Bowyer, C., Tucker, G., Nesbit, M. Baldock, D. Illes, A. and Paquel, K. (2015) A report for RSPB/Birdlife Europe by IEEP.
Study on specific design elements of biodiversity offsets: Biodiversity metrics and mechanisms for securing long term conservation benefits. Rayment, M., Haines. R., McNeil, D., Conway, M., Tucker, G. and Underwood, E. (2014) Report by ICF Consulting Services in association with IEEP for the European Commission.
Common Framework for Biodiversity-Proofing of the EU Budget: General guidance. Medarova-Bergstrom, K., Kettunen, M., Rayment, M., Skinner, I. and Tucker, G. (2014) IEEP report for the European Commission.
Results-based payments for biodiversity guidance handbook: Designing and implementing results-based agri-environment schemes 2014-2020. Keenleyside, C., Radley, G., Tucker, G.M. et al. (2014) IEEP report for the European Commission.
Farming for Natura 2000. Guidance on how to support Natura 2000 farming systems to achieve conservation objectives, based on Member States good practice experiences. European Commission (2014 & 2018) Authors: Olmeda, C., Keenleyside, C., Tucker, G. and Underwood, E. N2k Group and IEEP.
Protected area approaches in the EU. Underwood, E., Ashcroft, R., Kettunen, M., McConville, A.J. and Tucker, G.M. (2014) IEEP report for the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK and the statutory nature conservation bodies.
Estimation of the financing needs to implement Target 2 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy. Tucker, G. et al. (2013) IEEP report to the European Commission.
Impacts of climate change and selected renewable energy infrastructures on EU biodiversity and the Natura 2000 network. Summary Report. Bertzky. M. et al. (2011) AEA, Axiom, IUCN, IEEP and UNEP-WCMC report for the European Commission.
Costing the Environmental Needs Related to Rural Land Management. Hart, K. et al. (2011) IEEP Report for the European Commission, DG Environment.
Green Infrastructure Implementation and Efficiency. Mazza L. et al. (2011) IEEP report for the European Commission.
Impacts of climate change and selected renewable energy infrastructures on EU biodiversity and the Natura 2000 network. Task 2a – An assessment framework for climate change vulnerability: methodology and results. Sajwaj, T., Tucker, G., Harley, M. and de Soye, Y. (2011) AEA, Axiom, IUCN, IEEP and UNEP-WCMC report for the European Commission.
Impacts of climate change and selected renewable energy infrastructures on EU biodiversity and the Natura 2000 network. Tasks 2b & 3b – Impacts of climate change on EU biodiversity policy, and recommendations for policies and measures to maintain and restore biodiversity in the EU in the face of climate change. Tucker, G. and de Soye, Y. (2011) AEA, Axiom, IUCN, IEEP and UNEP-WCMC report for the European Commission.
Operationalising Criteria to Protect Highly Biodiverse Grasslands under the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). Bowyer, C., Tucker, G., By, H. and Baldock, D. (2010) IEEP.
Positive planning for onshore wind expanding onshore wind energy capacity while conserving nature. Bowyer, C. et al. (2009) IEEP report for the RSPB.
Guidance on the maintenance of landscape connectivity features of major importance for wild flora and fauna. Guidance on the implementation of Article 3 of the Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) and Article 10 of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Kettunen, M., Terry, A., Tucker, G.M. & Jones, A. (2007) IEEP report to the European Commission.
A review of biodiversity conservation performance measures. Tucker, G.M. (2006) Rio Tinto / Earthwatch Institute, Oxford.
Assessment of the merits of an instrument under the Convention on Migratory Species covering migratory raptors in the African-Eurasian Region. Goriup, P. and Tucker, G. (2005) Report for Defra.
Review of the coverage of urban habitats and species within the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Tucker, G., Ash, H. and Plant, C. (2005) English Nature (Research Report 651.), Peterborough.
Cost Effectiveness Study of Approaches for Delivery of PSA Target Relating to SSSIs. CJC Consulting, Tucker, G. Willis, K. & Doyle, P. (2004) CJC Consulting report to Defra.
Other journal papers
Balancing conservation and climate change – a methodology using existing data demonstrated for twelve UK priority habitats. Sozanska-Stanton, … Tucker, G. et al. (2016) Journal for Nature Conservation, 30: 76-89.
Valuing nature-conservation interests: a case study on agricultural floodplains. Rouquette, J.R., Posthumus, H., Gowing, D.J., Tucker, G. Dawson, Q., Hess, T.M. & Morris, J. (2009) Journal of Applied Ecology, 4: 289-296.
Key conservation issues for migratory land- and waterbird species on the world’s major flyways. Kirby, J.S., Stattersfield, A.J., Butchart, S.H.M., Evans, M.I., Grimmett, R.F.A., Jones, V.R., O’sullivan, J., Tucker, G.M. and Newton, I. (2008) Bird Conservation International, 18: S49-73.
Effects of agricultural practices on field use by invertebrate-feeding birds in winter. Tucker, G.M. (1993) Journal of Applied Ecology, 29: 779-790.