This page is being further developed. For now, a selection of projects of most relevance to the services that I am now offering are listed below, with brief summaries of their main aims and components, dates, clients and my role in them. Further information on the projects, and a full list, can be provided upon request.
Policy analysis and development
Nature / biodiversity strategies, policies and legislation
- Preparation of a report and workshop on divergence in UK and EU biodiversity targets post-Brexit. 2022. Author, as Nature Conservation Consulting, for IEEP UK.
- Impact assessment of, and support for, the proposed EU Nature Restoration Law. 2021-ongoing. Led inputs on restoration of wetlands, peatland, shrublands, grasslands, and other agricultural habitats and their species. For the European Commission, with IEEP for Trinomics led consortium.
- Development of an evaluation framework for the Nature Strategy for England. 2021. With ICF International for DEFRA, UK.
- Support for the European Commission’s preparation of the EUs’ 6th Report to the CBD, and consultations on the achievements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. 2020. Co-led IEEP inputs to WCMC led study, for the European Commission.
- Study of the drivers of improvements of the conservation status of habitats and species under the Birds and Habitats Directives. 2018-2019. Project manager and lead author of IEEP led project for the European Commission.
- Fitness Check of the Nature Directive (i.e. review of the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of the Birds and Habitats Directive). 2015-2016. Manager and co-author of IEEP inputs to Milieu led project for the European Commission.
- Two studies developing a framework and guidance for biodiversity proofing EU funds. 2013-2014. Project manager and guidance co-author of the IEEP led projects for the European Commission.
- Impact assessment of policy options for no net loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the EU, including through biodiversity offsets. 2013-2016. Project manager on two IEEP led projects for The European Commission.
- Assessment of measures by EU Member States to implement the EU Biodiversity Action Plan to 2010, and development of performance indicators. 2009-2010. Coordinated IEEP inputs, to MRAG led project, for the European Commission.
- Preparation of a Regional Action Plan for Seabirds in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Region. 2003. Coordinator and co-author, as Ecological Solutions, on behalf of BirdLife International for the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment of the Red Sea & Gulf of Aden.
- A review of the treatment of urban habitats and species in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. 2005. Coordinator and co-author, as Ecological Solutions for English Nature
Landuse policies, especially agriculture and bioenergy, and effects on ecosystems and biodiversity
Review of drivers of European agricultural trends and impacts on birds, required conservation measures and impacts of the Farm to Fork Strategy targets. 2022. Lead author of unpublished report by Nature Conservation Consulting, with IEEP, for an NGO.
- Evaluations of the CAP Greening Measures, and all CAP measures with respect to biodiversity. Led biodiversity inputs to Alliance Environnement study (IEEP and Oréade-Bréache) study, for the European Commission.
- Study of High Nature Value farming in Europe, including assessment of restoration costs. 2013-2014. Co-author of IEEP study for the European Commission.
- Assessment of the potential impacts of bioenergy on EU protected species and options for mitigation measures, as part of a study of mitigation of renewable energy in the EU. 2019-2020. IEEP co-author, for Arcadis led project for the European Commission.
- Development of guidance on results-based payment schemes, IEEP led project for the European Commission.
- Study on ‘climate change and agriculture, and biodiversity and agriculture’ as part of a package of studies on Feeding 10 Billion People. 2013. Co-author of IEEP led study for the European Parliament.
- Assessment of the risks and impacts of agricultural abandonment in the EU. 2010. Project manager and co-author of IEEP study for WWF.
- Study on the impacts of land use change across the EU over the next 25 years on soils, biodiversity and water management. 2009-2010. Project manager and lead author of IEEP led study for the European Commission.
- A review of the impacts of UK forest policy on biodiversity. 2007. Led biodiversity inputs, as Ecological Solutions, for CJC Consulting study for DEFRA.
- Assessment of the impacts of the decline in the red meat industry on nature conservation management in Eastern England. 2007. Reviewed the ecological impacts of undergrazing, as part of a study by Public and Corporate Economic Consultants and the University of Cambridge for the Countryside Agency.
- Review of the performance of agri-environment schemes in England. 2002. Project manager of Ecoscope Applied Ecologists led project for Defra.
Other policies
- An assessment of the potential for delivering synergies between renewable energy and nature conservation. 2015. Co-author of an IEEP report for RSPB/Birdlife Europe.
- An assessment of the costs and benefits of Green Infrastructure initiatives on biodiversity and ecosystem services and the potential added value of an EU Green Infrastructure strategy. 2010-2011. Project manager on IEEP led project, for the European Commission.
- Two studies on the impacts of energy technologies on biodiversity in the UK: with BioIS for UK government (Defra and DECC) 2011-14; IEEP led project for UK Statutory Nature Conservation Agencies (2008).
Ecological and practical implementation advice
- Updating and development of European Commission guidance on climate change adaptation for Natura 2000 sites (including linkages to ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation), for the European Commission. 2021-ongoing. Lead author and project coordinator, with IEEP and the N2k Group.
- Review of management effectiveness in the EU Natura 2000 network. 2020. Contributor to IEEP led study for the EEA.
- Preparation of guidance on achieving no net loss or net gain of biodiversity and ecosystem services. 2018-2020. Project manager and lead author, of IEEP led contract for the European Commission.
- Support for the EU Nature Action Plan, which developed country profiles for each Member State and held bi-lateral meetings to improve implementation of the Nature Directives. 2018-2020. Project manager on IEEP led project for the European Commission.
- Identification of measures, and their costs, needed to meet the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 ecosystem restoration target. 2012-2013. Project manager on this IEEP led project for the European Commission.
- Development of guidance on the management of farmland within Natura 2000 sites. 2013-2014. Co-author at IEEP, with N2K Ltd for the European Commission.
- Estimation of the costs of achieving EU environmental objectives through rural land use measures. 2011. Biodiversity lead, of IEEP led study for the European Commission.
- Study of the impacts of climate change on the Natura 2000 network, and assessment of policy instruments that can support biodiversity adaptation and ecosystem-based adaptation and development of policy recommendations. 2009-2011. Led IEEP inputs, including adaptation recommendations, for AEA Environment and Energy, for the European Commission.
- Development of guidelines on increasing habitat connectivity and conservation in the wider environment to reduce fragmentation impacts and facilitate adaptation to climate change. 2006-2007. Co-author, as Ecological Solutions for IEEP led project for the European Commission.
- Assessment and advice on LIFE projects in the UK and Ireland. 2005-2006. Ecological Solutions, as part of Astrale LIFE programme external monitoring and evaluation team for the European Commission.
- Development and costing of a delivery strategy for achieving Favourable Conservation Status on protected areas in England. 2003-2004. Biodiversity lead, as Ecological Solutions, led by CJC Consulting for Defra.
- A review of methods for biodiversity accounting and measurement of biodiversity conservation performance. 2005-2006. Report author, as Ecological Solutions with Earthwatch (Europe), for Rio Tinto.
- Preparation of an MoU and Action Plan under the Convention for Migratory Species, for migratory raptors and owls of the African-Eurasian region (with a feasibility study for an extension to SE Asia). 2004-2005. Co-author as Ecological Solutions, with Nature Bureau for Defra, UK.
- Review of the impacts of upland burning on biodiversity, soils and hydrology. 2003. Ecological Solutions study for English Nature.
- Development of a wetland habitat offsetting strategy for wetland losses in Hong Kong, and the preparation of environmental impact assessments, and wetland loss mitigation and offsetting plans for specific housing and railway developments. 1997-2002. Project Manager at Ecoscope Applied Ecologists for six BBV led projects for Hong Kong Government, Kowloon Canton Railway Company, and private developers.
- Preparation of management planning objectives for 22 Natura 2000 sites and water level management plans for 26 protected areas. 1996-2000. Project manager for Ecoscope Applied Ecologists, for the UK Statutory Nature Conservation agencies.
- Assessment of the feasibility of restoring wetlands in the Severn and Avon floodplains, and the Nene valley. 1999. Project manager for Ecoscope Applied Ecologists, on two studies for the Environment Agency.
- Preparation of a draft biodiversity strategy for Northern Ireland. 1998. Project manager and co-author, Ecoscope Applied Ecologists, for the Environment & Heritage Service.
- Development of generic guidelines for assessing the status and habitats and species in accordance with the Habitats Directive, for the UK Statutory Nature Conservation agencies. 1996-1997. Project manager for Ecoscope Applied Ecologists.
- Design and supervision of a wetland restoration and management scheme to offset the impacts of wetland loss at a decommissioned reservoir, at Kempton, UK. 1996-97. Project Manager for Ecoscope Applied Ecologists for Thames Water Ltd.
Environmental writing
- Three articles on key nature conservation policy developments in the UK, for British Wildlife magazine.
- Briefings for the UK statutory nature conservation agencies on significant environmental policy developments. 2008-2013.
Authored / edited regular biodiversity related briefings at IEEP. - Preparation of the chapter on biodiversity (reviewing the status of biodiversity in Europe) for Europe’s Environment: The Second Assessment. 1998. Lead author on biodiversity, Ecoscope Applied Ecologists, with IEEP, for the EEA Report to the European Council of